Meet Julliette Our QVC Host
Have you seen Juliette on your screens yet? Juliette, a close friend of Dom and a member of the Shay & Blue family since the start will be taking over the reins at QVC and giving you all the details you need to know to get yourself a deal! With a passion for fragrance and a fan of the show, she is the perfect part of the family to take over, allowing Dom to focus on exciting developments for the brand. To find out more about Juliette and even some QVC secrets (including some goodies that will be launching on there later this year) keep on reading! You can also find Juliette on Instagram and Twitter, her social profiles are linked below so check them out and give her a follow to be the first to know all things QVC!
How did you and Dom meet?
We actually met through our mothers who are great friends, so we were thrown together! We grew up in the same area and have shared friends. I really do feel blessed to have such a talented friend and have adored watching the impact he has made in the fragrance world, with his talent for creating incredible fragrances for the likes Chanel and Jo Malone London, before establishing Shay and Blue.
Tell us about you, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I used to do a lot of sports to relax and unwind but since having my 2 lovely boys I don’t have much spare time! However, we are super lucky to live by some beautiful woods so I love to go on bike rides, walks and epic blackberry picking sessions with them. When I do have some time to myself I love to swim and do yoga. I’ve been lucky enough to have been able to steal a week away a couple of times for yoga retreats in beautiful parts of the world and hope to be able to do that again. I taught myself crochet about 3 years ago and am obsessed! It’s a wonderful creative outlet for me as I’m not the best artist but crochet allows me to create. I love giving friends and family handmade gifts. I’m also teaching myself hand lettering, which is again super relaxing and allows me to slow down a little. I love seeing my friends and having them over, happiness is a home filled with friends and laughter.
Do you have a go-to scent at the moment?
Oh that is a hard one! I was so delighted when Dom established Shay and Blue in 2012 because he is incredibly talented at creating beautiful, unique and modern fragrances. I love how he has brought fragrance making back to a true artisan craft. I display all my fragrances on my dressing table and my youngest loves to choose what I’m going to wear each day. I often hear him opening the caps and sampling them, when he thinks I’m not around! When I do get to choose, I like to choose according to my mood, the weather or the mood I want to project. At the moment I am gravitating towards Blackberry Woods and Talullah’s Camellia. But then I look at my collection and think how I’d fancy wearing Amber Rose and that I haven’t worn Dandelion Fig for nearly a week and how much I miss it! You didn’t honestly expect me to choose just 1 did you??! That is the fun about boutique fragrances- you don’t have to stick to a signature fragrance like in times gone by, you can reflect and project your mood or just wear what speaks to you that day. You can even cocktail them because they are made from real flowers, fruit and spices that can be mixed and matched together.
How long have you been at QVC?
I can’t believe this but almost 20 years! I joined as a buyer and after a couple of years made the transition to presenting on air. When I first joined QVC I remember being told that I will never leave and I thought that was crazy! I was proved wrong! QVC really is like a big family, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I even watch QVC in my spare time and believe that I have the perfect job- talking about things that I love.
Can you tell us any QVC secrets?
All of us presenters are genuinely obsessed with the products we take to air, which makes the Green Room an exciting and uplifting place to be. It is a disaster when we all get together though as we all end up buying eachother’s products!!
The energy and passion you see on your screen at home is exactly matched behind the scenes. From the amazing backstage crew to the people in head office to the hosts, everyone is not just passionate about what we do but also so grateful and privileged that you allow us into your homes every day.
Did you know that QVC is interactive? You can message whilst we are on air and let us know how you are enjoying the show, which products you love or ask questions? That is the joy of live TV!
Any QVC tips and tricks you can suggest?
Oh I have loads! First of all a great way to save on P&P is to order more than one of the same product at the same time. The subsequent product is sent at half price P&P. I know that when I love something, getting 2 is a smart move, be it fragrance, fashion or beauty and skincare products.
Also did you know that you can order what you like when you like from QVCUK.COM, rather than waiting for your favourite products to come to air? Treat it like your favourite on line department store with all your favourite brands- with the benefit of almost all the products having an attached video so you can see your favourite product in action!
Another one is that if you buy a gift for a friend there is no need to go to the post office as QVC will send the parcel to your friend and send you the receipt! You can also refer your friends, you can get £10 off an order over £25, whenever each friend makes their first purchase so it's always a good idea to team up!
Did you know that you can sign up to daily Today’s Special Value emails so you never miss out on an amazing deal? It also means you can be first to get your hands on the deals from Shay and Blue. You can actually feature on the front page of the QVC website but sharing your QVC discoveries on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #MyQVCFind.
If you don't already know about easy pay then it is basically and intrest free way that allows you topay a small part of the purchase amount plus p&p up front and then the remainder is automatically deducted in equal instalments over the next 2, 3 or 4 months. It’s such a great way to try new brands and products or top up on your favourites.
A lot of people don't know that there are now 4 QVC channels to watch- Live, Beauty, Style and Extra. The Beauty and Style channels regularly feature live shows too. There is also a QVC podcast featuring your favourite presenters, a You Tube Channel, facebook live shows and you can watch QVC not only on your TV but also your phone and tablet. We also have a Q Community section on the QVC website where you can catch up on all the backstage gossip from the hosts and presenters.
What is your favourite Shay and Blue product?
Oh this is such a tricky question, I am so passionate about Shay and Blue. That is one of the reasons why I am so excited to be able to talk about Shay and Blue on QVC. My favourite fragrances change regularly- it really depends on my mood, the weather, what I am doing that day or evening, how I want to feel that day/ evening. If pushed I would have to say that my Amber Rose Extract of Parfum is very special to me. The box and the bottle are so luxurious and when I use it I do feel so dressed up, glamorous and pampered. I’ve not experienced Pure Perfume before Dom introduced it into the range but I know it was something my very elegant (ex model) grandmother used to use and I’d always wanted to try.
The fragrance is stunningly romantic, multi layered and stays on me until the next day. It is utterly indulgent.
Is there anything from Shay and Blue coming to QVC you’re most excited about?
I am incredibly excited to be able to introduce the Parfum Nashwa Extract of Parfum later this year, I think it’s going to be at the top of everyone’s Christmas list! It is rich and elegant but also fresh and delicious with bergamot and neroli warmed by dark chocolate and coconut on a base of oud. Dom’s ability to perfectly match contrasting ingredients is perfectly showcased in Parfum Nashwa- it is elegant, delicious, sweet and warm.
I am also very excited to be lauching brand new shower creams from SB this summer, featuring everyone’s favourite fragrances. I love how the body products are not only nourishing with their skin friendly ingredients but also have the perfect amount of fragrance to scent the bathroom but not clash with my chosen fragrance of the day.
Where can we find you on social media?
I have two main accounts that I am using for all things Shay and Blue. You can find me on Instagram @Juliette_shayandblue or Twitter @J_shayandblue. Make sure you are following me on those accounts if you want to be the first to know about any deals over on QVC. We will be telling you all there before its released anywhere else!