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Step into a realm of exclusivity with our Collection of New and Limited Edition Fragrances, meticulously handcrafted in small batches to guarantee unparalleled quality and uniqueness. Each scent is a testament to our commitment to craftsmanship and innovation, capturing the essence of creativity and artistry. Experience the thrill of discovery as you explore our collection, where every fragranc...
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Nose Dive

  • What Does Lilac & Gooseberry Perfume Smell Like?

    What Does Lilac & Gooseberry Perfume Smell Like?

    Blessing our screens with her long dark hair and striking eyes with a violet hue, Yennefer of Vengerberg is largely known for being a legendary sorceress, but there's one other noteworthy addition... her intoxicating scent. It's only fitting that she smells as wicked as she is, right?
  • The Bond Between Perfume & Memories

    The Bond Between Perfume & Memories

    Why are we so Scentimental? Like a song, fragrance can transport you back to the time or place you first experienced it and holds one of the strongest connections to our emotions and memories - which is what makes fragrance...

  • What Does Your Perfume Say About You?

    What Does Your Perfume Say About You?

    PERFUME PERSONALITIES Like a picture says a thousand words about a moment, your fragrance can say a thousand words about your character. Perfumes and aromas have become a part of our own personal branding and the choice of perfume depends...