Shop All Fragrance Fruit

The fruit family encompasses a delightful array of sweet, succulent, and juicy aromas inspired by a wide variety of fruits. From luscious berries like strawberries and raspberries to tropical delights like mangoes and pineapples, this fragrance group captures the essence of nature's bountiful har...
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Nose Dive

  • The Art of Layering

    The Art of Layering

    Unlocking Amazing Fragrance Combinations Fragrance layering is an art form that allows you to create a unique, personalized scent that enhances your mood and leaves a lasting & unique impression. By combining different fragrances, you can unlock new dimensions and...

  • What Fragrance Will You Wear This Summer?

    What Fragrance Will You Wear This Summer?

    As summer is right around the corner, it's time to find your signature scent. Shay & Blue’s collection offers luxurious fragrances perfect for the season. Dive into these must-have scents and get ready for our upcoming series on the art...

  • New Fragrance Drop: The Story Behind White Orchid Espresso

    New Fragrance Drop: The Story Behind White Orchid Espresso

    🌸 Hey fragrance lovers! ✨ We’re super excited to share the story behind our latest scent, White Orchid Espresso. This isn’t just another perfume; it’s a sensory journey that we can’t wait for you to experience. ☕️ Let’s take it back...