Shop Fruit

The fruit family encompasses a delightful array of sweet, succulent, and juicy aromas inspired by a wide variety of fruits. From luscious berries like strawberries and raspberries to tropical delights like mangoes and pineapples, this fragrance group captures the essence of nature's bountiful harvest. The fruit family offers a range of olfactory experiences, from tangy and tart notes to rich an...
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Nose Dive

  • What Does Lilac & Gooseberry Perfume Smell Like?

    What Does Lilac & Gooseberry Perfume Smell Like?

    Blessing our screens with her long dark hair and striking eyes with a violet hue, Yennefer of Vengerberg is largely known for being a legendary sorceress, but there's one other noteworthy addition... her intoxicating scent. It's only fitting that she smells as wicked as she is, right?
  • The Bond Between Perfume & Memories

    The Bond Between Perfume & Memories

    Why are we so Scentimental? Like a song, fragrance can transport you back to the time or place you first experienced it and holds one of the strongest connections to our emotions and memories - which is what makes fragrance...

  • What Does Your Perfume Say About You?

    What Does Your Perfume Say About You?

    PERFUME PERSONALITIES Like a picture says a thousand words about a moment, your fragrance can say a thousand words about your character. Perfumes and aromas have become a part of our own personal branding and the choice of perfume depends...